Creating A Sales Sheet To Present To Convenience Store Chains And C-Store Distributors

March 01, 2014

Many of us have come up with ideas for great products we’ve wanted to sell, but most of us don’t get any farther than that. It takes a lot of planning and a lot of hard work to get your product from idea to reality. Opportunities can come at any time, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible so you never miss one. There are a few things you can do to ensure that you have an easier time going through the process of moving your product from simple idea to something that will occupy a shelf.

One thing that will definitely help you is Creating a Sales Sheet for Convenience Store Distributors that details everything there is to know about your product so that you can successfully market your ideas to a manufacturer, a distributor, and finally a convenience store looking to add your product to their shelves. When creating your spreadsheet, there are some important things you should include in order to show that your product is fully fleshed out and something that is not only realistic but that you’re also serious about.

1. Product Description – It’s in your best interest to describe your product thoroughly, but also keep it brief and short enough for someone to read. It’s important to include the most valuable information, especially what would be important to a distributor. Using bullet points is the best way to accomplish this because they’re easy to see and the broken text spaces are more appealing to the eye. Many of us want to use this space to really flesh out our product and show how skilled and knowledgeable we are as inventors and innovators. Putting too much information may make your proposal less appealing, so try to stick to the basics for now.

2. Why is your product unique? It’s extremely crucial that you include all the reasons that your product is one of kind. If it seems that your product can easily be replaced by another easier, or cheaper version, it will lack the demand needed to keep sales going and eventually, lead to it coming off the shelves. If a distributor thinks that sales won’t be what they crave, you won’t get farther than an idea. Half of the battle of becoming successful is securing a support from distributors, and being a favorable product in the convenience store. This is the only way you will be a popular find across the nation.

3. Packaging – You need to carefully think of the logistics of how your product will be packaged. This will determine a great deal of the appeal of your product, as well as how it will keep on the shelf, and how much it will cost. When packaging is elaborate, it’s sometimes a deterrent to shoppers, and if it’s too bulky, it might take up more shelf space than it’s worth. Make sure to think carefully about this part to make sure it’s realistic, useful, and appealing.

The best way to approach this step is to come up with a prototype, or a sketch of what it will look like, and what materials it will be made from. If you have a logo, it would be in your best interest to include that on the product as well. Finding some books on the science of color will help to ease some of the stress of designing the packaging. Make sure to put yourself in your target audience’s shoes—what would catch your eye the most? What would be the most appealing? Aim for that and you will definitely hit success.

4. Images – It’s a great idea to include a lot of images, even if these are created before the product is a reality. Make sure the photos are detailed, clear, and that there are enough for the viewer to really get an idea of the size of the product. If the product comes in pieces, show those as well. It’s always better to have at least a prototype to take photos of—these will be significantly more appealing than sketches of a potential product. If the product is something that is worn, or used in a specific way, it’s also okay to feature models or people posed in positions that describe and emphasize the product’s usefulness.

5. UPC – UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is used for tracking items in stores. Like a ISBN, which is a unique number at the back of books and other media, every item sold in the stores has a specific number associated with it. Even different editions of the same novel will have different ISBNs. Likewise, no two items have the same number. This is so that people can identify your product very easily. Including this code is extremely important—don’t forget it! Without including it, there’s really no way for people to safely and securely identify your exact object. This should be easy for them to see and understand—avoid any confusion here.

6. Special details – What else can you say about your product that will make it more appealing? Is it designed to be sold in bundles for a more appealing price? Does it come in a set? These are things that could make it a more desirable product in the marketplace, thus making what you’re trying to sell more appealing. Don’t bother to bog it down with potential scenarios for your product—stick to the facts and keep it simple. The easier it is for others to understand what your idea is, the better it will be to sell it to others.

Remember that these distributors and convenience stores are reading a massive amount of these proposals and so keeping it short, but informative is key to being noticed. If your product is unique and something that people will want to buy, it’s important that you both explain this thoroughly, and completely, but also thoughtfully and simply. If your descriptions are too long, more than likely you’ll be skipped.

Finally, remember to check your work and your writing. Others will judge you by what you product looks like on paper, and there’s nothing worse than having someone think you’re less than capable just because you had mistakes in your grammar and syntax. Have someone look over your spreadsheet and edit any unnoticed mistakes before attempting to share it with the people you are trying to impress.
